The Omnipotent Magician

We’re excited to announce that we have begun work on the new woodland children’s play area at Himley Hall and Park.


The strategy for Wignall and Moore’s concept design was to embody the adventure of play through the lens of Lancelot “Capability” Brown, known to many as the “The Omnipotent Magician,” who could transform countryside into beautiful parks that were seemingly the work of nature. The design takes the form of soft landscape gestures and sensory planting, in which sculptural timber forms will encourage 21st-century play. We took Wignall and Moore’s concept designs and developed detailed designs for the bespoke play structures.


The playground will contain elements of physical and sensory challenge, games, and problem-solving, encouraging children to work together to solve or overcome hurdles and learn about the history of the site and the adventures of Himley Hall.


It will be located in the woodland of the park, transforming an area near the former tennis court and pavilion into a safe, outdoor space for children to keep active and have fun.


In keeping with its leafy surroundings, the play area will be constructed using mostly Robinia timber with a mix of grassland, a loose mulch surface, and natural wood chip paths separating the various pieces of play equipment.