Revitalizing Middleton Stoney: A Playground Renovation Journey

Middleton Stoney, a serene rural village nestled in North Oxfordshire boasting around 90 residences, is home to a cherished play area within convenient reach for all village properties, a perennial favourite among the local youngsters. In 2022, the parish council initiated contact with eibe Play, extending an invitation to propose a redesign blueprint for the play area in competition with various other playground companies.

 The design requirements were clear:

- Integrate a metal multiplay unit endowed with abundant play options, reminiscent of the antiquated timber structure now dilapidated beyond repair.

- Incorporate a fresh double bay swing ensemble featuring a basket seat on one side, and a cradle seat with a flat seat on the opposing end.

- Introduce a climbing net, a spinning/rotating apparatus, and retain the existing trampoline and horse rocker.


Mindful of the residents opposite the play area and in harmony with its rural milieu, the parish council stipulated a natural colour scheme for the primary equipment and surfacing. In response, eibe Play proposed a wetpour rubber safety surfacing accented with green and black flecks, complementing the 'Fresh Green' colour scheme adorning the main multi-play unit. To preserve the natural ambiance, grass matting was recommended beneath the climbing net and spinner.


Post scrutiny of all submissions, the parish council deliberated on the proposal that best aligned with their brief and provided optimal value for money. eibe Play was elected as their premier choice, initiating subsequent discussions on the impending phases. The initial step entailed securing the project's financing, a pursuit the council aimed to realize through the Valencia Communities Fund. Assisting the council in crafting their bid, eibe Play furnished all pertinent cost estimates, blueprints, and 3D design renderings for inclusion in the application. In early 2024, the council triumphed in securing £50,000 from the Valencia Communities Fund, ushering the project into fruition.


Planning for the construction commenced in March, culminating in the installation's completion by June 2024. Eagerly anticipating its unveiling, the local children will convene for the official debut on July 7th, 2024. The inauguration coincides with the village's summer BBQ, with representatives from Valencia and eibe slated to join in the festivities. eibe Play will graciously offer Goodie bags for the play area's inauguration, embracing the opportunity to support the community and its playground for years ahead.